St-Edmond Church

9.1e Église Saint-Edmond (Church of St. Edmond)

Overlooking the south-eastern section of the town, this was the first Roman Catholic church in Coaticook. It was raised in 1888.

9.2e Collège Rivier (Rivier College)

The grey building next door to the church is the Collège Rivier. This is a private school, founded in 1870, originally intended for the education of young ladies run by the Sisters of the Presentation of Mary.

9.3e Collège Rivier (Rivier College)

Today, it is a private secondary mixed gender school.

Extrait de
Bridge Between Town and Country (Coaticook)

 Bridge Between Town and Country (Coaticook) image circuit

Présenté par : La Table de concertation culturelle de la MRC de Coaticook (TCCC)

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