Roadside stop/Wayside cross (STH-2)

1.1e Roadside Stop, St-Herménégilde

On this Roadside Stop you’ll find a Regional Marker with a map of the Coaticook valley.

The municipality draws its name from Prince Herménégilde, whom King Léovigild (Herménégilde's father) persecuted around the year 586 for his Catholic faith

1.2e Croix de chemin (Wayside cross, STH-2)

This croix de chemin will bring you luck for the remainder of your trip!

Extrait de
Lakes and steeples (St-Herménégilde & Dixville)

Lakes and steeples (St-Herménégilde & Dixville) image circuit

Présenté par : La Table de concertation culturelle de la MRC de Coaticook (TCCC)

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