The Monfortian Fathers

The Montfortian Fathers

The Daughters of Wisdom

The Daughters of Wisdom were the equivalent of the Monfortian community. They settled in Nicolet in 1953, in the house next to the Monfortians, commonly referred to as the Villa du Rosaire. In 2003, the building changed vocation to become the birthing centre. Photo credit: BAnQ

Montfort Hotel

This former novitiate that belonged to the Monfortian Fathers is now a chic and trendy hotel. People go there for business, to celebrate an anniversary, a wedding in its spectacular ballroom or simply to wander on its pleasant roof terrace. Photo credit: Montfort Hotel

Extrait de
Religious Heritage Tour in Nicolet

Religious Heritage Tour in Nicolet image circuit

Présenté par : MRC Nicolet-Yamaska

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