The Grand Séminaire Saint-Albert

The Grand Séminaire Saint-Albert

The Grand Séminaire Saint-Albert

In all its 31-year history, it housed 336 seminarians of which 185 received the ordination at the priesthood. Currently, in our community, the Grand Séminaire keeps playing an important role at the service level, for example: the involvement of retired priests living there and celebrating the mass at the Sisters of the Assumption’s house and in several parishes. Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons. (2013). Groupe photographique des Prêtres du Diocèse de Nicolet [Image]. Seen at

The Grand Séminaire Saint-Albert

The garage is the former garage of the bishopric that was transported on this property after the landslide in 1955. Photo credit: Unknown source

The Grand Séminaire Saint-Albert

In this chapel, a Casavant organ dating from 1952 can be found with the opus number 2138, installed during the construction. It is a typical “unified organ”. It performs well to accompany the liturgy, but is not complete enough for the presentation of solo concerts. Photo credit: Répertoire des orgues du Québec. (2016). Grand séminaire de Nicolet [Image]. Seen at:

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Religious Heritage Tour in Nicolet

Religious Heritage Tour in Nicolet image circuit

Présenté par : MRC Nicolet-Yamaska

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