Residence of the Blacksmith

31 Morin Street

Onias Lamoureux (1882–1964) settled in the village in the mid-1920s with his wife Émelda Pagé and their seven children. A blacksmith by trade, he built a house and blacksmith shop. In 1958, Mrs. Rochon opened an art centre in the house and offered art courses to residents of Sainte-Adèle. For over 30 years, it was home to the restaurant À la Crêpe Bretonne. The building now houses a new restaurant. The old blacksmith shop is located at 25 Morin Street.

The house is very well preserved and has many of the original features including wood siding, multi-paned windows and frame mouldings around openings. Decorative brackets adorn the cornice.

Blacksmith’s House

Blacksmith’s House (on the right of photograph).
Société d’histoire et de généalogie des Pays-d’en-Haut

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Présenté par : Ville de Sainte-Adèle

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