The Assistant Manager’s House

The Assistant Manager’s House

1450 Saint-Jean Street

The residence of the assistant manager was built in the Foursquare style with two floors and an addition added in the back. The residence is influenced by the Georgian style with a typical hip roof and many elements inspired by neoclassical architecture.
Note the fluted columns that support the roof overhang of the circular porch.

The avant-corps juts out for the full height of the building. At the top, wide consoles support the pediment. From the side yard, we can see an image of a radiant sun. There is a beautiful semicircular window in the back, an element often used by the Rolland Paper Mill. Brickwork frames the opening with projecting stone patterns. A modern addition integrates well into this heritage house.

Extrait de
Mont-Rolland | Sainte-Adèle's industrial heritage

Mont-Rolland | Sainte-Adèle's industrial heritage image circuit

Présenté par : Ville de Sainte-Adèle

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