Together we hear the church-bells ringing,
When the Sabbath day is fair;
Together we hear the people singing
,As they meet together for prayer.
We’ve ministers from all denominations,
Our organist and soloist are fine,
They sing and preach to our congregation
In the good old summer time.
For the needy our women sew many a seam
Out of doors in the fine weather,
While the men pitch horse-shoes on the green
Then we all have tea together.
The boys and girls play bat and ball,
And the little ones love to meet,
For they know they are welcome at
Liberty Hall.
Extrait de «Summer at Sixteen Island Lake», texte écrit par Mary M. Baker Ludington pour ses amis à l’occasion de la célébration de ses noces d’or en janvier 1924.
Source : Sixteen Island Lake Union Church,