Natural Discovery Park

26.1e Nature Discovery Park

Here is where you’ll find the Baldwin’s Mills Fish Farm.

26.2e Nature Discovery Park

The fish farm belongs to the quebec government. Here are raised trout and striped bass spawn.

26.3e Nature Discovery Park

Here at the Parc découverte nature you’ll find a number of activities, such as fishing.

26.4e Nature Discovery Park

On the right, you’ll see the sentier des Moulins (Millstream path). It leads you along the bank of a river.

26.5e Question: Nature Discovery Park

How long is the Sentier des Moulins?

26.6e Answer: Nature Discovery Park

1600 metres (almost a mile)

26.7e Question: Nature Discovery Park

What is the river that you are walking along called?

26.8e Answer: Nature Discovery Park

The River Niger

26.9e Question: Nature Discovery Park

What is the Main Pavilion in the Parc Découvert nature called?

26.10e Answer: Nature Discovery Park

Louis-Roch Séguin

Extrait de
Bridge Between Town and Country (Coaticook)

 Bridge Between Town and Country (Coaticook) image circuit

Présenté par : La Table de concertation culturelle de la MRC de Coaticook (TCCC)

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