The Sisters of the Assumption

The birth of a community

From 1849, Abbot Jean Harper entrusted his curate, Sir Calixte Marquis, also secretary-treasurer at the Commission des écoles de la paroisse de Saint-Grégoire, to buy a house to accommodate the school and the sisters who would be in charge of the education. The former presbytery of Saint-Grégoire was chosen. It was on September 8, 1853 that the Congregation of the Sisters of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin was founded by Abbot Harper and four young girls from the village: Hedwidge Buisson, Léocadie Bourgeois, Julie Héon and Mathilde Leduc. They wanted to devote themselves to education and religious life. The community was canonically erected in 1856. Photo credit: OTNY

The founders of the congregation

The four founders of the congregation of the Sisters of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin (left to right): Hedwidge Buisson (mother Saint-Joseph), Léocadie Bourgeois (mother of the Assomption), Julie Héon (mother of Jesus), Mathilde Leduc (Holy Mother Marie). Photo credit: 

The Sisters of the Assumption

The Sisters of the Assumption

Abbot Jean Harper passed away on July 30, 1869. In 1872, the decision was made to transfer the motherhouse of the congregation to Nicolet. The need to enlarge house of Saint-Grégoire and the presence of the seminary determined the choice of Nicolet as the installation location. The motherhouse was destroyed by fire on June 21, 1906.
Photo credit: image taken from a book (photocopy) Lesage, G. (1965). Le transfert à Nicolet des Sœurs de l’Assomption de la Sainte Vierge, Éditions S.A.S.V., Nicolet. (p.256)

The Sisters of the Assumption

In 1887, the Sisters of the Assumption entrusted the plans and the work of the development of the motherhouse and their boarding school to a new company, the « Compagnie Louis Caron et Fils ». The construction starts in 1888, unfortunately in 1906 the motherhouse was destroyed by fire. Photo credit: BAnQ

The Sisters of the Assumption

The burning of the new motherhouse and of the convent of the Sisters of the Assumption on June 21, 1906. Photo credit: Image taken from a book (photocopy) Caron-Dricot, A. (1997). Les Caron: Une dynastie d’architectes depuis 1867. Claude Raymond Communications (p.90)

The Collège Notre-Dame de l’Assomption

In January 2006, the Collège Notre-Dame de l’Assomption proceeded to the institutional succession. The management board wished to further develop the College by welcoming boys from September 2007, however, the residence remained reserved for girls only. It was on September 2011 that a residence for boys saw the light of day at the CNDA. Photo credit: Collège Notre-Dame de l’Assomption. (2012-2016). Photo albums. Seen at 

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Religious Heritage Tour in Nicolet

Religious Heritage Tour in Nicolet image circuit

Présenté par : MRC Nicolet-Yamaska

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