

Saint-Victor was a pope and a martyr who is celebrated on July 28. The first minutes found at the Saint-Victor's parish corporation date back to 1845. Lower Canada established two new institutions: the municipal corporation in 1845 and the school corporation in 1846. Saint-Victor's first mayor was Mr. Zéphirin Bertrand. Among the councilors, Augustin Bolduc à Charles, a militia captain, father of the future senator.

Société du Patrimoine de Saint-Victor


Joseph Bolduc, son of Augustin, owned several lands in Saint-Victor, including in the ""Fonds"". After completing his studies at the Sainte-Marie College and Laval University, he became a notary in 1874. That same year, at 25 years-old, he became mayor of Saint-Victor, up until January 1877. He also was a prefect for the Beauce riding. He was also a farmer and was director of the farm society for the Beauce division (Société agricole de la division de la Beauce) for several years.

Source : La Société du Patrimoine de Saint-Victor-de-Beauce


Senator Joseph Bolduc campaigned to be elected as a Member of Parliament for the Beauce riding by promising railway implementation in the region. It is said that construction of the Tring-Mégantic railway line was his ""major work"". He was elected on October 18, 1876 as a Conservative Member of Parliament for the Beauce riding in the House of Commons. He served as an MP until his appointment to the Senate, on October 3rd 1884. He became Speaker of the Senate on June 2nd, 1916. The Honorable Joseph Bolduc retired from the Senate on February 3rd 1922. He had the longest term as Senate Speaker. He passed away at age 77 on August 13, 1924, day of his 50th wedding anniversary.

Société du Patrimoine de Saint-Victor-de-Beauce


Born in 1832 in Saint-Gervais de Bellechasse, Louis Turgeon accompanied Léon Provancher, who left Saint-Gervais to be Saint-Victor's first parish priest, and became his sacristan. He purchased several allotments next to the church. In 1854, he was appointed work manager for the construction of Saint-Victor's first church, to replace the chapel built in 1845.

He was elected mayor of Tring from 1886 to 1903, and replaced for a year in 1892 by Dominique Bolduc à Augustin, and from 1899 to 1901 by his son-in-law Jean Rancourt à Joseph. He supported and contributed to the railway implementation, a Senator Joseph Bolduc's project and legacy. He was a riding prefect for two years and justice of the peace for several years. He supported the building of the second church from 1897 to 1904. Louis Turgeon passed away at 92 on January 26, 1924.


Le contenu symbolique des emblèmes héraldiques de notre municipalité. 

Tout d’abord nous parlerons d’ARMES dans l’écu d’or : Le champ de l’écu de couleur or ainsi que la roue de charrette rappellent la vocation agricole de notre territoire. Des pionniers sont entrés dans notre canton, ont défriché dès 1834, ont fait des feux d’abattis illuminant les soirées et les nuits qui duraient des mois. C’est grâce à eux que nos terres agricoles sont belles et sont ce qu’elles sont aujourd’hui. Ce paysage agricole fait partie de notre patrimoine paysager. La roue représente aussi nos premiers moulins.

La fleur de lin est l’emblème floral de Saint-Victor. Pendant une centaine d’années, elle a été cultivée chez nous. Elle représente l’autarcie et nos industries textiles à Saint-Victor.

Au centre de l’écu d’or, il y a une bande horizontale et une autre verticale, toutes deux ondulées de couleur azur. En langage héraldique, la couleur bleue porte le nom d'azur. La forme ondulée suggère le lac Fortin et la rivière Le Bras. En forme de croix, elle représente le patrimoine religieux.

Puis le CIMIER qui surmonte l’écu : Nous y voyons le cheval qui symbolise le déplacement, le travail des routes, le travail en agriculture et aujourd’hui les Festivités Western. Sa couleur azur révèle la puissance et la dignité du cheval. La crinière et la queue de couleur or indiquent la richesse de l’animal. Les éléments dans le cimier de couleur or sont : la hache qui évoque le rôle essentiel des pionniers, de nos premiers bûcherons et le travail dans nos forêts. Elle représente aussi la chaleur dans nos maisons. La feuille d’érable représente nos forêts, notre savoir-faire acéricole légué par nos racines abénaquises. La gerbe de blé, céréale essentielle à notre survie, représente aussi nos traditions agricoles et européennes. À la base du cimier : un cordon torsadé de couleurs or et azur unit l’écu du cimier en réunissant les pionniers et leurs descendants dans la tradition et la foi.

En bas, dans un anneau argenté terminé d’un enroulement azur, se trouve notre devise : S’UNIR POUR BATIR.

L’héraldique constitue un art véritable, sa représentation reflète bien qui nous sommes. Notre emblème héraldique est maintenant dans le registre public des armoiries, drapeaux et insignes du Canada, volume VI, page 330 depuis le 20 mars 2014.


Take a look at the park located next to City Hall. It is home to a sculpture celebrating Saint-Victor's 150th anniversary (in 2002). It represents the first pioneers who managed to build on the harsh environment. They were able to survive and, better yet, to build and develop in unity and courage. The sculpture also illustrates the four seasons: spring's maple sap, summer's haying, fall's leaves and winter's snow. Wood and textiles had a significant impact on Saint-Victor's development, and this is what this sculpture also wants to communicate. The waves are a reminder of how important the Le Bras River and Lake Fortin have been to Saint-Victor.


"Memory" Signs

You will also notice 2 ""memory"" signs. They describe Tring Township history and the organization of the new municipality from 1848 to 1852. Then, on Docteur-Henri-Lacourcière Street, another sign tells about the different fires of Saint-Victor.


The Docteur-Henri-Lacourcière Street is located in front of City Hall. Born in Nicolet, Henri Lacourcière did his medical studies in Montreal, at the Victoria's Medical School. He settled in Saint-Victor as a physician in 1883. He married Emma Gosselin and they had 13 children, among which nine survived.

Société du Patrimoine de Saint-Victor-de-Beauce


After the segregation of the village from the parish in 1922, Henri Lacourcière was appointed first mayor of the village. The Luc-Lacourcière Library was named after his son, ethnologist founder of Laval University's Archives de folklore et d'ethnologie. Born in Saint-Victor in 1910, he was inspired by ethnologist Marius Barbeau and author Félix-Antoine Savard, who stimulated his interest in folklore and subsequently led him to conduct surveys in several regions of Quebec, in the Maritimes, in Maine and in Louisiana. He was also mentor and thesis director for Gilles Vigneault, Antonine Maillet, Madeleine Doyon and many others.

Société du Patrimoine de Saint-Victor-de-Beauce

Extrait de
Saint-Victor | Heritage Tour of the MRC Beauce-Centre

Saint-Victor | Heritage Tour of the MRC Beauce-Centre image circuit

Présenté par : Municipalité de Saint-Victor


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