49th street


Mural by Marc and Daniel Michaud

Thérèse Bugnet roses appear all over the mural — the creation of this rose is one of the crowning achievements of George Bugnet. Look closely and notice how the top part of the stems of the roses have no thorns. On the left is Bugnet’s first house. Looking through the window, we see George hard at work writing one of his books with his wife, Julia, offering her support. On the right is l’École George et Julia Bugnet (the George and Julia Bugnet School), which led to a Supreme Court decision on minority-rights education.


Mural by Marc and Daniel Michaud

Jean-Marie Chauvet immigrated from France and is seen on the bottom right of this mural.  He valued education and most of his children received a post-secondary education. Paul, his eldest son, is depicted on a horse-drawn plow reading a book.  This is to illustrate the challenge of getting an education during the era of horses.

Canada Post

Mural by Dan Glen

This mural celebrates 100 years of bilingual postal service in Legal. In 1900, Ménésippe Massie was appointed the first postmaster. At first, mail was delivered once a week from Morinville via Pony Express. Later, the railway came which allowed the postal service to run three times a week. On the mural, we see the portraits of postmasters who have served for more than 25 years. They include Ben and Marie-Ange-St. Martin, Denis Limoges, and Rosaline Pelletier.  We see Delphis Coulombe delivering the mail in his postal wagon. The children were added to depict the inclusion of youth in the project.

Extrait de
Murals of Legal

Murals of Legal image circuit

Présenté par : Société touristique Centralta

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