Bourget Train Station

139 Lévis Street

The Bourget train station, built in 1893, is considered a local historic site given its age and its role within the community’s economic development.

In eastern Ontario, several railways have criss-crossed the region and Bourget station is one of the few visible remnant of that historical period, although it is no longer in operation.

This picture shows the Bourget train station in 1989, before the railroad became the Prescott and Russell recreational pathway.

139 Lévis Street

Thérèse Lavoie, in 1941, as she was leaving by train for her honeymoon. Notice the long platform on each side of the train station.

139 Lévis Street

Besides the Casselman train station, the former Bourget train station in Eastern Ontario is one of the few stations from this era that still remains.

Picture: Bourget train station in 2017.

Bourget Train Station

The Bourget train station is considered a local historic site given its age and its role within the community’s economic development.

Trains used to be the most convenient way to travel and transport goods. Eastern Ontario was no exception to that; several railroads criss-crossed the region in places where today, there is little evidence. In Bourget however, there is a visible remnant of that historical period - the old Bourget train station that was built in 1893.

Besides the one in Casselman, the former Bourget train station in Eastern Ontario is one of the few stations from this era that still remains. At the turn of the 20th century, this station was very important for Bourget since it was a hub where the majority of goods passed.  It was  also the main boarding station for travellers wanting to travel to Montreal or Ottawa. All Canadian Pacific Railway operations ended in the 1970s.

When closing the station, the CN railway company entrusted it to Maurice Robillard, the former Station Master. Maurice lived at the station from 1964 to his death in May 2013.

The land now belongs to Via Rail and the City of Clarence-Rockland owns the building alongside the Prescott and Russell recreational pathway.

Extrait de
Bourget's History

Bourget's History image circuit

Présenté par : Cité de Clarence-Rockland

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